The Natural Way To Gut & Emotional Health + Weightloss

✓ Stop feeling guilty and obsessing over diets and exercise
✓ Naturally lose weight, stop bloat, and increase energy
✓ Heal your gut and reverse aging
✓ End chronic pain and illness, migraines, anxiety, and skin issues
✓ End food addictions and binging
✓ Learn what foods are causing inflammation and how to replace them
✓ Improve your mindset and relationship with food
✓ Reconnect with your body and grow self-love
✓ Heal your inner child
✓ Rewire your habits for a sustainable healthy lifestyle

Break Through The Chains Of Diets, Exercise, And Guilt, And Finally Start Enjoying Your Life.
Lose Those Extra Pounds, Wake Up With More Energy Than Ever Before, And Put Your Health On Autopilot!
A Coaching Program Designed To Help You
Lose Weight And Gain Energy Naturally

✨ Learn To Heal Your Body Naturally So You Can Stop Obsessing
Over Diet And Exercise, And Set Your Health On Autopilot ✨

❌ You’ve tried all the diets but nothing has helped you keep off that extra weight.
❌ You don’t know why you’re so tired and unmotivated all the time.
❌ You obsessively exercise but aren’t seeing results.
❌ You don’t understand how certain foods affect you.
❌ You’re fed up with stomach pain, bloat, and gas, and are ready to feel better.
❌ You can’t stop eating foods that you know are bad for you.
❌ You are feeling the effects of aging on your body too soon.

Trying To Lose Fat And Be Healthy Can Be Extremely Overwhelming - There Are Countless Diets And Exercise Plans, Inconsistent Information, And Not Enough Time To Do It All. Living A Healthy Lifestyle Ends Up Adding Stress To Your Life Instead Of Improving It.
It’s Especially Frustrating Working Out Consistently To Lose Those Last Few Pounds, But Not Seeing Results And Feeling Exhausted Trying To Keep Up. Or To Have Stomach Pain, Gas And Bloat And To Be Told By Doctors That There’s Nothing You Can Do.
The Truth Is That There’s Way Too Much Confusing Information, And It’s Hard To Know What Will Work For You When Every Coach And Nutritionist Out There Swears They’ve Found The Secret. Doctors Are Not Of Much Help Either - They Simply Aren’t Trained To Help With Nutrition, GI Issues, And Fat Loss. That’s Where I Come In With Trust Your Gut.
I Will Teach You The Exact Process To Follow In Order To:
✅ Lose weight while never feeling deprived of foods you love
✅ Consistently experience natural energy and weight loss while working out less
✅ Shift your mindset so you never feel guilty about food or exercise
✅ End gas, bloat, and pain in your stomach
✅ Clear up your skin and reverse signs of aging
✅ Create sustainable healthy changes in your lifestyle with ease
✅ Start loving yourself exactly as you are so you’re free to truly enjoy your life

A Course Designed For Anyone Ready To Break Through The Chains Of Diets
And Exercise, And Live Life As The Healthiest Version Of Yourself.

We cut through the noise and finally teach you exactly how to eat in order to balance your body. We’ll help you achieve stability in your body and lower your inflammation through a simple diet. You’ll never have to deprive yourself or feel guilty. You’ll notice your taste buds change to enjoy healthier foods, and you’ll watch your body start to feel and look better, younger, and healthier. Instead of constantly fighting for your health, you’ll get to relax and enjoy the benefits that naturally come from eating well.

You don’t have to constantly work hard to achieve health and your “perfect” body - that is a lie. We’ll shift your perspective on food and exercise so you can stop feeling guilty, and focus on more important things in your life. This isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle of treating yourself well. Eating well is something that you do for yourself - it is the treat, it’s being kind to yourself and gifting yourself health and longevity.

Food is what makes it possible for us to be alive, and you’ll learn how connected gut health is to whole body health. Did you know that heart and gum disease are directly related to gut health? All disease stems from inflammation, which starts in the gut. We’ll get you reconnected and listening to your own body, so you’ll know for yourself what feels good and what hurts you.

We cut through the noise and finally teach you exactly how to eat in order to balance your body. We’ll help you achieve stability in your body and lower your inflammation through a simple diet. You’ll never have to deprive yourself or feel guilty. You’ll notice your taste buds change to enjoy healthier foods, and you’ll watch your body start to feel and look better, younger, and healthier. Instead of constantly fighting for your health, you’ll get to relax and enjoy the benefits that naturally come from eating well.

Living clean has become an overused term, but there is a lot of value in a clean lifestyle, and it’s totally achievable. Over the course of the program, we’ll get you from stressed, tired, and overweight, to energetic, light, and happy in your body. I’ll teach you how to easily incorporate eating well and choosing clean products so you’ll quickly start seeing and feeling the benefits of less inflammation in your body. We’ll leave all the guilt and negativity behind for good.

"The entire program was so much more than I ever expected..."
"I am so so happy that I jumped in. I absolutely loved how Julia made me really look at the reasons why, and create changes from that. I’m now actually in touch with my emotions and physical needs, and I can make positive healthy decisions based on that. Thank you so much Julia, this has really been life changing. I hope everyone else will see this and jump in too!"
- Adrianne
"I am already seeing a lot of changes within myself - more love, more respect..."
"Julia is an incredible coach and makes me feel like I have someone who is really caring and interested and just super supportive about my own experience. She is helping me take care of myself. I couldn't recommend her program any more than I already am."
- Ana
"I had no idea that there were so many foods that are inflammatory..."
"I learned a ton in the program! After cutting the recommended foods out of my diet I noticed a huge difference in the way I felt and my gut health - way less inflamed and overall better. I am so thankful to Julia and I recommend this program to anyone who wants to feel better through a natural process of improving nutrition, because it was awesome for me."
- Sophie

Hi! I’m Julia. If You’ve Scrolled This Far, You’re Probably Wondering Who I Am. I Live By The Beach In Sunny Southern California And Love Being Outdoors, Hiking In The Mountains, And Drinking Tea Lattes At Local Cafes. I Am So Much Healthier And Fitter At 39 Than I Ever Was In My 20s, While Exercising Less And Never Depriving Myself. I Focus On Living A Life I Love Instead Of What I’m Eating And How Much I’m Exercising.
Seven Years Ago, I Was At My Heaviest And Addicted To Sugar, Coffee, And Emotional Eating. The Day After Thanksgiving, I Suddenly Got Severe Hives All Over My Body, And No Doctor Knew Why They Were There Or How To Get Rid Of Them. I Spent Over A Year And A Half, And Thousands Of Dollars, Going To Doctors, Doing Tests, Trying Medications - Nothing Worked.
At My Lowest Point, I Was Depressed, Couldn’t Work, And Started To Believe That There Was No Cure. I Tried All Of The Different Diets You Can Think Of - Paleo, Macros, Vegan, Raw Vegan, Keto, Low Inflammation, Fodmap… Nothing Helped. My Body Was Swollen And Painful.
But Deep Down I Knew That There Had To Be A Solution, So I Started Doing My Own Research. I Began Learning About Gut Health And Food As Medicine. I Also Began To Reconnect To My Body, Giving Me A Direct Feedback Loop With My Stomach. Some Of My Friends And Family Noticed These Positive Changes And Started To Eat And Exercise The Way That I Do - They Began Healing Too.
I No Longer Focus Heavily On Exercise And Diet - I Eat Well And Listen To My Body. And That’s What I’m Here To Teach You. I’ll Give You The Freedom To Live Your Life Without Guilt And Obsessive Dieting And Exercising. By Reconnecting To Your Body And Treating It Well, You’ll Naturally Begin The Journey Of Physical Healing, As Well As Self-Love And Acceptance. Your Whole Mindset Will Shift And You’ll Radiate The Health That You’re Feeling From The Inside Out.
I Won’t Just Teach You Another Diet, But A Lifestyle That You Can Move Forward With, That Will Benefit You And Everyone Around You. I Can’t Wait To Go On This Journey Together And Teach You Everything I’ve Learned So You Can Feel The Relief Of True Health!


Health & Happiness

8 Weeks

Online & Virtual
What is it?
Trust Your Gut Academy is an 8-week online course with weekly live group calls, daily support, and a private community. It will show you how to naturally heal your gut, improve chronic pain and illness, end emotional eating, work through childhood trauma and limiting beliefs, lose weight and gain energy. All while no longer feeling guilty or obsessing over diets and exercise.
Who is it for?
Trust Your Gut Academy is for anybody ready to end the cycle of pain and illness, emotional eating, diets, anxiety, and emotional trauma. If you're ready to live life as the healthiest version of yourself, mentally, emotionally and physically, then this is for you. It works for anybody, regardless of previous experience or current state.
Where does it happen?
Trust Your Gut Academy is online, and consists of training videos, a 305 page in-depth workbook, live coaching calls, and a Facebook community. You'll complete the course online and on your own schedule.
How does it work?
You watch the videos and fill out the associated workbook pages for each week, as well as complete any meditations or mental exercises, using the provided tools and worksheets. Ask questions in the Facebook community or on the live coaching calls. Follow the process, and you'll get the results.
When does it start?
Trust Your Gut Academy starts the minute you are accepted into the program. Once you are in, you'll have lifetime access to the content and can start implementing it immediately. You'll see results in as little as a few days.
Why does it exist?
I created Trust Your Gut Academy because I realized that mainstream medicine does not heal our bodies and minds - it's simply a bandaid. You can heal chronic pain and illness, as well as emotional pain where you feel stuck and limited. You deserve to be happy and healthy, to feel good physically, mentally and emotionally. I'll teach you how to look and feel your best naturally, without any gimmicks or supplements.

"I no longer feel anxious about what to eat or what to make."
"I no longer have horrible acid reflux or bloat, I've released excess weight, my asthma and allergies are nearly non-existent, I'm happier, and much more positive! I have learned so much and will never stray from this lifestyle. I've wasted too many years feeling like crap."
- Kayla
"It's life-changing -I
literally have motivation I haven't had in years."
"I went from 230 lbs (at 5'1"), to 155 lbs now. I suffered from acne and rosacea, and now I love my skin. Had gastritis and acid reflux, no longer suffer with that. I want to cry because I thought I had to battle my body and brain for the rest of my life."
- Alexandra
"The program has saved my life and all it took was to put myself first."
"I have always had eating issues. I was bulimic in my teens and at times as an adult. I was headed to gastro bypass, but I was terrified -- I knew something had to change or I would die due to my obesity. Fast forward to now, I have gone from 360 to 317 lbs and I feel good! If you're struggling with pain/inflammation issues, I recommend you do this program!"
- Cassandra

What's included when you enroll?
- ✨ 35 videos over 8 weeks
- ✨ 9 bonus videos of guided meditations + mental exercises
- ✨ 305-page printable workbook with:
- weekly grocery shopping lists
- easy delicious non-inflammatory family-friendly recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and drinks
- daily food journal
- daily morning ritual
- weekly guided emotional integration journal
- non-inflammatory eating guide
- nutrition label reading guide
- ordering out to eat guide
- replacing inflammatory foods guide
- clean skincare and living products guide
- daily exercise guide (optional)
- ✨ instant access / lifetime access
- ✨ go at your own pace
- ✨ templates and resources
- ✨ private Facebook community
- ✨ direct access to Julia for support
- ✨ video and audio training, & on-the-go mobile app access

Why It Works
Chronic inflammation, negative thinking, and emotional eating habits are the cause for your pain and suffering associated with diet, fitness, health, and lack of self love. And this is exactly what we work through in Trust Your Gut Academy.

Reducing Chronic Inflammation
Do you have bloat? Gas? Acid reflux? Headaches? Low energy? Stubborn weight gain? Bad sleep? Allergies? Autoimmune issues? Acne? Psoriasis? Arthritis? Anxiety? Early signs of aging? Swelling? Under-eye circles? IBS? Poor digestion?
These are all issues caused by chronic inflammation. In fact, inflammation is what causes most disease, disfunction, and pain in the body and mind. Reducing chronic inflammation by replacing inflammatory foods and learning tools to lower stress will heal you physically from the inside out, and your symptoms will quickly disappear.

Healing Your Mindset
In our society, we are taught to have a negative mindset. We are taught to expect the worst, to always feel like you're not good enough, to have victim mentality. But the truth is that you have full control over your life.
By diving deep into your identity, limiting beliefs, and the man voices in your head (that aren't actually you), TYGA gives you back the power of choice and awareness. The only way to improve what happens in your life is to change how you think, feel, and react, and you'll learn how to do this step-by-step.

This is a Lifestyle, Not a Diet
As you know, diets are not sustainable. You can't deprive yourself of a food forever - it leads to binging and guilt. The solution is simple: changing your habits and lifestyle so that healthy behaviors are just part of your routine.
We do this by creating space between the triggering event (e.g. feeling sad and wanting ice cream) and action (eating ice cream), and making choices conscious rather than reactionary. By changing habits, as well as addressing the emotional eating issue at the core, choosing health and long-term happiness becomes a normal part of your routine.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will this program help my _______?
Here's a shortened list of what you'll be able to alleviate or eliminate using our proven method:
- bloat / acid reflux
- constipation / diarrhea / IBS
- low energy / fatigue
- headaches / migraines
- brain fog
- trouble concentrating
- anger / anxiety
- eczema / psoriasis / rosacea
- arthritis
- hives / acne
- stubborn weight gain
- signs of again (dark under-eye circles, dull skin, etc.)
- chronic pain / painful periods
- long-COVID symptoms
- emotional eating
- negative thoughts
- disconnect from your body
... and much more.
How does it work if it's not custom?
The root cause of disease is the same for everyone: inflammation in the gut caused by inflammatory foods + high levels of cortisol from stress. Removing the core issue will stop the symptoms, which are just your body's way of communicating that something is wrong. My clients see results within just a couple of days of starting.
Doctors told me there's no cure.
That's a lie! All physical pain and disease stems from chronic inflammation. Once you lower the inflammation in your body, the pain and symptoms you're experiencing will naturally go away. Doctors are not trained in healing, they are trained in symptom maintenance and reduction. They don't understand how the body all works together.
Doesn't it take years to heal disease?
No! This is a limiting belief. All of my clients see massive healing in their bodies, minds, and emotions as quickly as within a few days. During the 8-week program, your body and mindset will completely shift - you won't even recognize your old self.
I don't have willpower, will this work for me?
Yes! Willpower is a lie you've been told. You don't need willpower - you need: 1. better habits, 2. awareness, and 3. healing emotional trauma. You'll get all of this in the program. You don't need willpower to heal your body and change how you eat.
Do I have to go vegan?
No. This program will teach you what foods are hurting you, and through the 8-week detox you'll experience how good your body and mind can feel when you're at your best. Ultimately, this program is about giving you the power to consciously choose what you eat. After the detox, the self-awareness you have will allow you to make the best choices for yourself. You won't be pressured to fit into any type of diet or lifestyle.
Is this a diet program?
No. You will actually be eating more, and you'll naturally lose weight if you are holding on to excess weight. Most people under-eat, which causes your body to go into starvation mode, where you actually hold on to fat because your body thinks you're starving, and cortisol (stress hormone) is released because your body is in fight or flight constantly. Eating enough and no longer being afraid of calories will give you physical and emotional freedom.
Will I lose weight doing this program?
If you have excess weight, yes, you will. All of my clients lose between 15-65 pounds (depending on how much extra they're holding on to) within the 8 weeks, most without any exercise. The weight comes off as you lower the chronic inflammation in your gut. This works for men and women.
I'm skeptical, but I don't know what else to try.
This program works because our proven method allows your body to restart its natural healing process, which is already encoded into you. If you follow the program step-by-step, you will see massive results. You don't have to believe it, you just have to prioritize yourself, commit to doing the steps, and trust the process of your body healing. We care about your health and your success in this program, and will make sure to support you through it. You get lifetime access to the program materials and the support group.
Here's How It Works
Trust Your Gut Academy starts the minute you sign up for the program. Once you are in, you'll have lifetime access to the content and can start implementing it immediately. You'll see results in as little as a few days.

Proven Process
Follow practical step-by-step instructions that are tested and proven to work. You'll learn exactly what to eat and what to avoid, how to best move your body, and how to change your mindset to optimize your health and fitness, without deprivation, dieting, or supplements.

Supportive Community
It's hard to change your life surrounded by people who don't understand what you're doing. Join an active community of other people to share your wins, get support, make friends, and have fun!

Expert Mentorship
No matter how good the training is, you'll always have questions. Get access to health expertise inside the private Facebook community open only to members of the program. Ask any questions that come up, and Julia will answer them personally.
Take a sneak peek into the program and workbook...
It's Time To Stop Letting Food & Pain Control Your Life
Trust Your Gut Academy
Reduce chronic inflammation, stop bloat and stubborn weight gain, heal your gut, improve your mindset, end emotional eating and food anxiety, heal your body and your mind naturally.
✓ 8-weeks of coursework
✓ Learn what inflammatory foods to avoid
✓ Reconnect with your body
✓ No deprivation, guilt, dieting, or supplements
✓ Daily food, water, thoughts, and emotions tracker
✓ Nutrition label reading guide
✓ Healthy foods substitution guide
✓ Ordering at restaurants guide
✓ 8 weeks of grocery shopping lists
✓ 8 weeks of recipes breakfast/lunch/dinner
✓ Healthy snacks and drinks lists
✓ Supportive private Facebook community
✓ Lifetime access to everything
✓ Change your relationship with food
✓ End food addictions and binging
✓Stop using food to numb emotions
✓ 300-page workbook
✓ Grow self love
✓ Mindset and habit shifting
✓ Daily morning mindset journal
✓ Weekly reflections journal
✓ Meditations and mindset shifting exercises
✓ Daily movement calendar
✓ Clean skincare guide
✓ Clean living guide
✓ Additional tools and resources