


Stomach-Acid Reflux-Bloat



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Video Testimonials

Adrianne says...

"The entire program was so much more than I ever expected.."

"I am so happy that I jumped in, I absolutely loved how Julia made me really look at the reasons why, and create changes from that. I'm now actually in touch with my emotions and physical needs, and I can make positive healthy decisions based on that. Thank you so much Julia, this has really been life changing. I hope everyone else will see this and jump in too!




Ana says...

"I am already seeing a lot of changes within myself - more love, more respect..."

"Julia is an incredible coach and makes me feel like I have someone who is really caring and interested and just super supportive about my own experience. She is helping me take care of myself. I couldn't recommend her program any more than I already am. "




More from Ana...

"I'm in a much better place than I was weeks ago."


"It's been a big mental and emotional shift. The power of your thoughts can really help define who you want to be, where you want your energy to go and that you can cultivate it and it can grow. You have to give yourself space to allow room for change, and this program hasn't given me the space, but the tools to change for the better. It's made me able to be forgiving and patient with myself."


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Sophie says...

"I had no idea that there were so many foods that are inflammatory..."
"I learned a ton in the program! After cutting the recommended foods out of my diet I noticed a huge difference in the way I felt and my gut health- way less inflamed and overall better. I am so thankful to Julia and I recommend this program to anyone who feels like there's something they can change about their diet that'll make them feel better, because it was awesome for me." 

Liz says...

"This program with Julia is awesome!"


"I started this program not to lose weight, on the contrary, I wanted to maintain my weight and still eat healthy. For me it was difficult to control my emotions and feelings. Talking to Julia really helped me and I'm on my way to understand me and my body better again. It is very important to keep body and mind healthy."




Karina says...

"Trust the process, trust your gut!"

 "My menstrual phase was wonderful! I didn't feel any pain, I didn't feel bloating, my face used to get so swollen that I couldn't see my neck, I augmented several sizes. I wouldn't get out of home because I was uncomfortable, but after the changes in my diet, I haven't experienced any of that! I haven't experienced even pimples. This is why I wanted to do a video so I can show you how clear my face is thanks to the changes."




Marina E. says...

"I've really enjoyed that my mind has been opened up to so much more..."



"I was looking for some advise on what I can do better with my nutrition to start losing the weight that I had gained from my second pregnancy. Julia really helped me in getting a better understanding on how to read labels when grocery shopping. I've really enjoyed that my mind has been opened up so much more to a whole different list of products that I can use that are better for me to eat."




Yuliya says...

"I think one of the most important benefits of participating in the Trust Your Gut Academy has been to learn to trust myself"


"I have learned to treat myself with a lot more compassion and empathy and more like a human being instead of a robot. I'm able to recognize that some days I might be hungrier, some days I might be a bit more tired and I need more rest. It's not just inputs and outputs, it's really just paying attention to how you feel, how the food that you're eating and the movement that you're doing really truly contribute to your health. I've been really greatful to be a part of it!



Sarah says...

"I learned to listen to my body and what it was telling me"


"After this program I really learned how to listen to myself. I learned how to listen to my body and what it was telling me and I also learned how to not focus on the negative so much. That was a big part of it as far as just your everyday life. The new way of eating and everything emotionally is not an easy subject to bring up but it was definitely worth it. Thank you!




Marina S. says...

"I'm very excited to see what the future holds!"

"I have completely become a different person and I thank Julia for everything she has done and taught me. I'm excited to continue this journey, because this is not a diet, it's a lifestyle!"




Yaya says...

"I don't regret anything I did in this program."


"I was experiencing a lot of hut bloating, hives. I was also trying different programs, I did macro counting, I tried intermittent fasting and that made me binge eat instead of eating healthy. I lost 16 pounds, I lost face weight, belly weight, but I wasn't very concerned with losing weight, but rather feeling better. I don't regret anything I did in this program. If you are scared to try the program, I would say just give it a shot! Because you'll feel ten times better and you certainly won't regret it!"




Kayla says...

"I have suffered from acid reflux for as long as I can remember, and now I'm not. That is definitely huge."


"I had terrible acid reflux when I started this. I haven't had any in a couple weeks now. I noticed enough changes that I want to stick with it. It's really the only thing that has made me feel like I'm going to get over all of the things that are troubling me. I'm excited to keep moving forward! I don't have any desire to go back to what I was eating. I feel like the meals that I eat are very filling and I don't have any sugar cravings at all!"




Molly says...

"Julia helped me with my SIBO."


"Julia has helped me a lot with educating me on gut issues such as SIBO which is something that I was going through. She spoke about the elemental diet and gave a lot of tips regarding grocery shopping and what food you can eat."




Bradxy says...

"I didn't realize this is what being 'normal' feels like."


"Now it's like normal. I don't feel discomfort. Now it's more easy for me to realize why I feel acidity sometimes. Before even I took medication I still felt the acidity after a while."




Tamer says...

"Julia had a lot of good suggestions for why we should stop eating sugar and it really got me to thinking about why I eat so much sugar in my diet and how I could stop."



"Like julia says, you don't necessarily have to give anything up but you can substitute and that's something that has honestly been really helpful for me and I do think my body has changed. I also just have more energy and I don't crave the same things that I used to. Julia is so knowledgeable and never judging about what types of food I'm eating and gives the best suggestions. I've truly noticed that they work. So I highly recommend listening to Julia about any helpful tips on diet and how to think about replacing foods so that you don't crave them but you don't feel like you're giving anything up. 



Cassandra says...

"It's a one time fee to free you for the rest of your life."


"Honestly I think it has to do with my inner child, like taking care of my inner child, and actually meeting my inner child wherever she was at and just saying 'hey you're okay'. I think that allowed me to let go of a lot of my insecurities and those insecurities were food being my outlet. Taking care of my inner child has freed me. I'm a happy person. I'm a lot more happier than i've been in a long time."




Lauren says...

"I feel different mentally, emotionally, and physically. I feel different in every way."


"I feel like it's just crazy how much stuff i've learned from your videos and from watching your documentaries. Stuff that I never really knew growing up. I've learned all these things and I don't ever want to go back to the place I was before. It's crazy how different everything is now. I honestly couldn't be happier with it and I'm very proud of myself. I'm very grateful for the course and you!






Amanda says...

"I had the pleasure and the privilege of going through this 8 week academy at the end of last year. It was amazing and it changed my life."


"I had been following Julia on tiktok for months and I finally got the courage to say 'I'm going to do this'. This program is about working on our mental health and our physical health at the same time and it was exactly what I needed. We can be whoever we want to be, we just need to courage to do so."
